Q3 Astrella Updates

By Angela Vuong, Support Manager

Time surely flies and COVID time seems to be slower or faster depending on the day!

The team at Astrella has been working hard and we wanted to give you a quick brief on the top 5 feature releases of 2020’s third quarter. If you’re interested in learning about our monthly releases, sign up for our product updates.

Top 5 changes

A lot of updates happened in Q3 and we want to share some of the top highlights!

  • Multiple share features
  • Manage your cap table stakeholders
  • Add administrators
  • Exit diagrams
  • New CSAR and SSAR awards for web and mobile

Multiple share features

Now, you can transfer, merge multiple shares and write to immutable audit trails!  Watch the video below to see it in action.

Manage your Cap Table Stakeholders

There is a lot of different information you can add for your stakeholder, such as gender, ethnicity, and job level. Also, there are different ways to manage your cap table stakeholders. If you have an investor that became an employee, we have a feature that can help you with that conversion! On top of that, Astrella has the ability to re-hire and un-hire an employee now, here’s a video:

Adding administrators

Need more time to work on something else and would like someone else help you manage Astrella? Now, you can invite/add other administrators to your account regardless if they are currently in the system as a stakeholder or not.

Here is a video to show you how it works:

Here is a snapshot of the email and process the user will receive:

Exit Diagram

As one of the integrations that come highly requested, our all-new native Astrella integration will allow you to receive an estimate of what your exit scenario would look like if you were to have a merger & acquisition (M&A) or go IPO:

Also, it shows the breakpoint analysis and the value allocation so you can see the breakdown:

New awards (CSAR & SSAR) for the web & mobile!

CSAR (Cash Settled Appreciation Rights) & SSAR (Stock Settled Appreciation Rights) were recently added to our platform. Now, you can give employees the right to exercise this on their mobile phone! First, admins must turn on the ability to exercise in the web:

Then in the mobile app, the stakeholders/employees will be able to exercise:

Do you have feedback or inquiries? If so, please reach out to [email protected].

Did you know we offer full access to our software for free up to ten stakeholders?

Request a demo today!

Tom Kirby
Head of Global Sales and Partnerships at  | + posts

Tom Kirby serves as the Head of Global Sales at Astrella. With more than 20 years of experience in sales and business development, he is dedicated to fostering strong client relationships and assisting both private and public companies in understanding and effectively communicating their value.